How to Determine Whether My Contacts Are Inside Out?

Do you find it uncomfortable to use contact lenses? Is it possible that you're wearing it backward? It is not difficult to learn how to insert contact lenses into your eyes. However, determining if your contact lenses are inside out might be more difficult. Because contact lenses are thin and flexible, they can easily become inside out. Even individuals who have worn contacts for years may have difficulties determining whether the lenses are right.

Of course, putting your contacts on inside out is uncomfortable, but it will not harm your eyes. This is because contacts conform to the surface of your eye. They do not fit as well when inside out, but they usually let you see other things just as when they are put inside normally.

Some people are unaware that their contacts are inside out until they have been using them for a while. Others immediately notice. Some signs that you've put them in the wrong way are:

  • Discomfort
  • Feeling of grit
  • Eyes that are wet
  • Pops out more readily
  • Feeling as if your contacts are moving around your eye

If you put your contacts in incorrectly, simply remove them and try again. But, before you do, consider one of these strategies to ensure that you put them in correctly the next time.

1. Perspective from the Side

Looking at your contacts from the side is the simplest approach to evaluate if they are oriented correctly. To accomplish this, simply follow these easy steps:
Place the contact lens on the tip of your finger. The edge should face up.
Place your finger towards your eye.

  • Examine the contact's shape. When everything is in place, your contact lens will have the form of a cup. The borders will be straight. Your contact lens will have the form of a rimmed bowl if it is inside out.
  • With practice, this procedure becomes simpler. When you know what a properly positioned contact looks like, you can quickly identify one that is inside out.
Perspective from the Side

 2. Taco Test

This is an older practice that many people utilized when soft contacts first became available to the general population. It is, nonetheless, still popular today. That's because it's simple. Here is how to use this method.

  • Use the tips of your thumb and forefingers to hold the contact.
  • Fold the contact lens in half to create a taco shape.
  • Examine the contact's edge. If the edge resembles a taco shell, your contact is facing the right way. If the form resembles a soup spoon, however, it is inside out.
Taco Test

3. Examine the laser marks

It is difficult to tell whether your contacts are inside out. As a result, certain manufacturers have sought to resolve the problem. They accomplished this by writing the digits one through three on the lens. If you have contacts with these indications, here's how to tell if they're inside out:

  • Place the contact lens on the tip of your finger.
  • Hold your finger in front of the bright light.
  • Search for the 1-2-3 markings. The numerals are placed differently by each manufacturer. The first time you utilize this procedure, you will need to thoroughly search the lens.
  • Once you've located the numbers, check to verify if they're in the correct sequence. If they display 1-2-3, your contact is accurate. If the numbers are reversed, your contact is on the inside.
Examine the laser marks

4. Tinted Edges

In order to identify whether the contact lenses are inside out, some contact lens manufacturers approached the issue in a unique way. They colored the inside borders of the contacts. This tinting makes it easier for those who use contacts to put them in. 【This method may be better for identifying contact lenses, not colored contact lenses.】To detect whether contact lenses with a green or blue colored edge are inside out, perform the following:

  • Place your contact lens on the tip of your finger.
  • Place your finger beneath your eyes and stare down at the contact.
  • Seek out the colored edge. If the edge seems colored, your contact is right. If there is no tinted edge, your contact is inside out.
  • Checking the manufacturer's website is the easiest method to see if your contacts have markings or colored edges.

5. Easy Flip Test

Some contact lenses respond better to this procedure than others. The rationale behind the procedure is that contact lenses do not simply turn over when facing the correct side. When turned inside out, though, it simply flips.

  • Place your contact lens in the palm of your hand.
  • Try to turn your contact inside out with your other hand.
  • If you can simply reverse your contact, it was already inside out. If, on the other hand, inverting is difficult, your contact lens is oriented correctly.

This strategy needs considerable practice. Try rotating your contacts to see how they react. Also, because your fingers will come in contact with the contacts' surface, take care to fully clean them after using this procedure.

6. Daily Contact Lens Packaging Orientation

When using daily contact lenses, this method works best. It will work the first time you put contacts in, right out of the package. The instructions are straightforward:

  • Examine the contact orientation in the packaging.
  • Maintain the same orientation as you insert the contact lens into your eye.

This works because manufacturers correctly arrange the contacts in the container. Because an inside-out contact lens is unlikely to be wrapped in a blister pack, preserving the same contact orientation when opening the packaging assures receiving it in the appropriate manner.

You will become more experienced with your contact lenses over time. You'll know how they're feeling and may not need to utilize these strategies to figure out their orientation. In fact, many people become so adept at inserting their contacts that they no longer require the use of a mirror. As you learn, be patient. Make sure you have enough time to properly insert your contact lenses. Finally, if you're doubtful, utilize these ways to see if your contact lenses are inside out.

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